
Hi there, I'm Shrushti Polekar!

I am an aspiring frontend developer. I have keen interest in exploring and learning JavaScript and its various other technologies!


Frontend Developer


November 2022 - Present

Designed and implemented dynamic, responsive user interfaces for lead generation applications using React and JavaScript. Enhanced web page performance and user experience, leading to improved lead conversion rates.

My Projects

Adorn UI
Adorn-UI is a CSS Component Library to build beautiful User Interfaces easily. Supports many of the most frequently used UI components like alerts,badges,avatars,modals,inputs etc... Built using HTML,CSS,JavaScript
Naari care
Naari-Care is an e-commerce web application to buy all women essentials and beauty products. This application is similar to Nykaa and Purplle. Used Context-API for state management and Mockbee for backend. For UI made use of components from CSS library Adorn-UI. Built using HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React
Diva TV
Diva TV is a video library app for all beauty, makeup, fashion enthusiasts. It contains several features like view a video, like/dislike video, create and manage playlist ,upload video and add video to watch later. Built using HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React,Context API
Diva Connect
Diva Connect is a social media application to connect with amazing women around. Women can post content related to beauty,styling ,health,lifestyle,also can follow other women and like or comment on each others posts. Built using HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React,Redux Toolkit and TailwindCSS.
Keep App
Keep app is a simple notes taking app similar to Google Keep which allows you to create,update,delete ,archive ,unarchive and filter and sort notes. Built using HTML,CSS,JavaScript,ReactJS,Context API



Event bubbling and Capturing!
Event Bubbling and Capturing are very important concepts to know if you want to have control over the events fired in DOM! Lets learn more about it in this blog.


Prototypes in JavaScript!
In this article we will understand what are prototypes ,what are global objects , what is this proto property and how inheritance works in JavaScript underneath the hood.


More About ‘this’ Keyword in JavaScript
This blog discovers more about this keyword with several examples.


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